Stratigraphic lexicon for Greenland

Nomenclature of stratified successions in current use

Compiled by:
W. Stuart Watt

This lexicon describes 640 named stratified stratigraphic units considered in current use in Greenland at the end of 2018. The units are grouped chronologically into 17 sedimentary basins ranging in age from Palaeoproterozoic to Palaeogene. The few Neogene–Quaternary units and the units described from boreholes offshore West Greenland are grouped separately. Maps and associated simplified stratigraphic schemes provide overviews; and indexes of unit names and geographical names make entries to the lexicon easy.




1. Karrat basin (western Greenland) (2000–1800 Ma)

2. Grænseland basin (southern Greenland) (1850–1725 Ma)

3. Eriksfjord (Gardar) basin (1350–1260 Ma)

4. Independence Fjord Basin (north-eastern Greenland) (1750–1200 Ma)

5. Thule Basin (north-western Greenland – Canada) (1270–650 Ma)

6. Hagen Fjord – Hekla Sund basin complex (1380–580 Ma)

7. Franklinian Basin – shelf deposits (560–410 Ma)           

8. Franklinian Basin – trough deposits (542–410 Ma)

9. Wandel Sea Basin (340–60 Ma)

10. Eleonore Bay Basin (eastern Greenland) (900–450 Ma)

11. Iapetus Ocean western margin (460–400 Ma)

12. West Greenland Ordovician shelf deposits (460 Ma)

13. Devonian Basin (eastern Greenland) (375–359 Ma)

14. East Greenland rift basin (370–80 Ma)  

15. Nuussuaq Basin, West Greenland (100–50 Ma)

16. East Greenland volcanics (60–13 Ma)

17. Kangerlussuaq Basin, East Greenland (120–30 Ma)

18. Neogene – Quaternary basins (23–0 Ma)

19. Offshore basins, West Greenland (75–60 Ma)


Stratigraphic schemes. Sheets 1–13

Geographical names used in the Stratigraphic Lexicon

Alphabetical List of Stratigraphic units

Forsiden af Stratigraphic lexicon for Greenland

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Additional information

Price: DKK 190 (ex. VAT and postage)

Number of pages: 327

Size: 21.3 x 30.3 x 2.1 cm

Compiled: December 2018

Printed: November 2019

ISBN: 978-87-7871-520-3



Price: Free

Size: 58.5 MB

Format: PDF

Stratigraphic lexicon for Greenland